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Descent from Xanadu Букинистическое издание Сохранность: Хорошая Издательство: Pocket, 1984 г Мягкая обложка, 408 стр инфо 13860y.

Judd Crane is ruthless, sexually irresistible, the wealthiest man in the worldand determined to conquer man's last frontier-eternal life He pursues his dream on a dangerous, obsessive journey, from Yugoslaбшошяvia to China, from his lush island to a secret atomic city in the Brazilian jungle Crane is willing to spend billions, risk death, outwit foreign agents, lose his entire empire and the woman he lovesuntil, at the moment of victory, he discovers the most important sвжыдцecret of all Книга на английском языке Русское название - "Бегство из Занаду" Формат издания - карманный Автор Гарольд Роббинс Harold Robbins.