When the little Caribbean island of Tampica was granted its independence, there was general rejoicing among its people Of course, as everyone knew, there were some rough spots in the island's economy—what Carбшоуфibbean island didn't have these? But by and large optimism prevailed: the tourist industry was about to take off, with big resort hotels, a new jet airport, and a high-speed inter-island ferry in the works, and surely this would solve Tampica's fiscal worries But the вжывдtourist boom just wasn't big enough to overcome the deficits So when a new group of politicos came on the scene with promises of economic recovery, the people voted them into power And shortly afterward, money started flowing into the island; the worst kind of money, drug money With local officials bribed into complicity, the island became a haven for the traffic in cocaine—"white girl" in the local argot Emmy and Henry Tibbett knew nothing of this Their memories of Tamвпэгсpica were of a quiet little backwater with erratic air service and a few charming guest houses So when an old friend from the island suddenly turns up in London saying that she is afraid for her life, the Tibbetts are shocked Listening to her tale of tapped phones, unaccountable accidents, and tampered mail, they agree to help her get the goods on the Mafia-corrupted local officials Flying to Tampica under the cover of a winter holiday, they soon find that, amid the deceptive calm of a lush tropic resort, they can trust no one, because nothing is what it appears to be and the only reality is that each of them is in the gravest danger На английском языке Автор Patricia Moyes.